

中心负责人:吴智刚 博士、教授
        本中心是MG4355线路检测中心直属科研机构,主要致力于我国特别是华南地区城市与区域发展中社会、经济和环境相关问题的研究,并为地方政府、企事业单位提供相关的专业咨询和服务。中心拥有专职研究人员及研究生等共30余人,其中教授、副教授、博士8人,硕士16人,城市规划师及建造师多名。中心在石牌校区和大学城校区拥有两个独立的办公地点,办公面积300多 平方米,各种办公实验设备齐全。中心与美国、英国的大学和北京大学、中山大学的相关研究机构及人员有着广泛的交流并进行多个项目合作研究,在土地利用规划、“三旧”改造等方面做了大量的工作并在国内特别是华南地区具有相当的影响。自成立以来主持国家、省和地方项目60多个,其中“三旧”改造的项目有20多个。
Brief Introduction of  CURDS                                                         
      The Center for Urban & Regional Development Studies (CURDS) dedicating to urban and regional development, economics and environmental issues in China (especially in Southern China).It’s one of the key research institutions affiliated to South China Normal University. CURDS provide professional advices and services for local governments, enterprises and institutions in related areas.  

       There are lots of academic communications and cooperation between the Center and the universities overseas, also Beijing University and Sun Yat-sen University.The center has made dedications in land-use planning and the “Three-old renewal” (renewal of land use for old towns, old factories & old urban-villages), which have significant impact in South China. 
       Since 2007, It had hosted more than 40 national, provincial and local projects,and more than 20 "Three old" renewal projects have been taken up.

