- 教育背景
- 工作经历
- 开设课程
- 科研项目
- 学术成果
- 社会兼职
- 其他
2007/09 – 2012/05, 香港理工大学,市场营销,博士
2001/09 - 2005/06, 中山大学, 旅游管理,学士
2012/05-2018/09,中山大学管理学院, 助理教授
(1) 市场营销
(2) 战略管理
(3) 管理学
(4) 商务统计学
(5) 社交媒体关系营销
(6) 旅游管理前沿讲座
(7) 旅游管理定量研究方法
(1) 国家社会科学基金后期资助项目,数智旅游幸福产业的建设体系及发展路径研究,2022年11月29日到24年6月15日,25万元,在研,主持
(2) 广东省自然科学基金博士科研启动项目,基于企业微信公众平台的顾客心理所有权研究,2017年1月1日到2019年12月31日,10万元,结项,主持
(3) 广东省自然科学基金项目,转型期珠(海)澳(门)跨境群体的身份构建与地方响应,2022年1月到2024年12月,项目批准号2022A1515010376,在研,参与者
(4) 广东省哲学社会科学规划一般项目,基于全链追踪、平台联动、情感互动机制的企业智能化营销体系建构——以粤港澳大湾区为例,2022年6月到2022年10月,项目批准号:GD19CGL31,结题,参与者。
(5) 广东省社会科学院江门分院2022年度 “双区”研究专项课题,推动江门与港澳先进制造业和现代服务业合作的路径研究,2022年6月到2022年10月,项目批准号SKY202215,在研,参与者
(6) 广州市教育研究院重点课题,粤港澳大湾区基础教育合作机制研究,2021年7月到2022年10月,项目批准号GBAJY-ZD202001,结项,参与者
(7) 文化和旅游部科技教育司2019年度课题,新时代文旅融合背景下旅游人才培养模式创新研究,2019年10月到2020年10月,结项,参与者
(8) 国家自然科学基金面上项目,41771144,旅游地的非确指空间人地情感联系:结构、发生、动因和效应——以“生态依恋”为例,2018年1月1日到2021年12月31日,60万元,在研,参与者
(9) 国家自然科学基金面上项目,71772189,连带性离职的意义建构与对策:下属多目标价值调和及其干预研究,2018年1月1日到2021年12月31日,47万元,在研,参与者
(10) 国家自然科学基金面上项目,71772192,创业激情的诱发机制及其情绪感染效应研究,2018年1月1日到2021年12月31日,48万元,在研,参与者
(11) 国家自然科学基金面上项目,71772186,虚拟社区价值共创行为的特征、形成机制及其作用,2018年1月1日到2021年12月31日,48万元,在研,参与者
(12) 国家自然科学基金面上项目,71573289,三重视角下旅游需求影响机制及预测的理论构建与实证研究,2016年1月1日到2019年12月31日, 48万元,在研,参与者
(13) 国家自然科学基金青年项目,71402195,联盟网络、二元能力与新创企业成长的动态作用机理研究,2015年1月1日到2017年12月31日,19万元,在研,参与者
(14) 国家自然科学基金面上项目,71672201,探索鼓舞在市场营销领域的产生、构成及效应机制,2017年1月1日到2020年12月31日,48万,在研,参与者
英文期刊论文/Selected Refereed Journal Publications
(1) Jie, Y., Ye, B. H.*, & Tung, V. W. S. (2024). Optimal preannouncement timing for launching new tourism attractions. Tourism Management, 100, 104837. https://url.scnu.edu.cn/record/view/index.html?key=39d950cea437612412c78bb383747e34 (SSCI Q1)
(2) Gu, Q., Ye, B.H.*, Huang, S.(S)., Wong, M.S. and Wang, L. (2024), "Spatial structure and influencing factors of an emerging wine tourism network: a case study of the Ningxia wine region", International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, https://doi.org/10.1108/IJCHM-07-2023-0986 (SSCI Q1)
(3) Liang, J., Wang, S., Ye, B. H.*, Tung, V. W. S., Li, R., & Guo, L. (2024). Hotel Inspiration: How the Substantive Servicescape Inspires Customer Satisfaction. Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research, https://url.scnu.edu.cn/record/view/index.html?key=06d968fb8696ac00509e5aaad5b4e74a (SSCI Q1)
(4) Ye, B. H., He, J., Fong, L. H. N., Li, Z., & Yan, Y. Q*. (2023). How does cuteness become the cue? Investigating the impact of cute destination spokespersons on tourist travel intention. Journal of Destination Marketing & Management, 27, 100758. https://url.scnu.edu.cn/record/view/index.html?key=388c1c964c7ceb74c873ca5a53f71e21 (SSCI Q1)
(5) Yan, Q., Shen James, H., Xin, W., & Ye Ben, H.* (2024). Examining the ritualized experiences of intangible cultural heritage tourism. Journal of Destination Marketing & Management, 31, 100843. https://url.scnu.edu.cn/record/view/index.html?key=aa75695a75b0711401ce8828ba4b72ca (SSCI Q1)
(6) Li, J. (Justin), Huang, L. (Mandy), He, M., & Ye, B. H. (2023). Understanding pro-environmental behavior in tourism: Developing an experimental model. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management, 57, 213–224. https://url.scnu.edu.cn/record/view/index.html?key=8c3ebc8db3cfacc0807c1428685767c9 (SSCI Q1)
(7) Yan, Q. Y., Shen, H. J., & Ye, B. H. (2023). Assessing the COVID-19-exacerbated stigma of tourism development as perceived by destination residents. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 31(8), 1963–1982. https://url.scnu.edu.cn/record/view/index.html?key=d3eb2708f00cc8a340e31d31c1240a0f (SSCI Q1)
(8) Hui Fu, Xiong-Hui Xiao, Ben Haobin Ye*, Shujie Fang, Yaoqi Li, & Yingyu Wu. (2022). Stay passionate and carry on: Why passion exhausts and how it can be restored. Current Psychology. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12144-022-03889-z (SSCI Q2)
(9) York, Q. Y., Yan, L., & Ben, H. Y. (2021). My life matters here: Assessing the adjusted identity of domestic migrant workers at intangible cultural heritage tourism businesses in China. Tourism Management Perspectives, 39, 100856. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tmp.2021.100856 (SSCI Q1)
(10) Qi Yan*, James Shen Huawen, & Ben Ye Haobin. (2022) Embracing panda—assessing the leisure pursuits of subscribers to China’s iPanda live streaming platform, Leisure Studies, 41(3), 341-355. https://doi.org/10.1080/02614367.2021.1998836 (SSCI)
(11) Fong, L. H. N., Ye, B. H.*, Leung, D., & Leung, X. Y. (2022). Unmasking the imposter: Do fake hotel reviewers show their faces in profile pictures? Annals of Tourism Research, 93, 103321. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.annals.2021.103321 (SSCI Q1)
(12) York Qi Yan, Huwen James Shen, Ben Haobin Ye* & Li Zhou (2021) From axe to awe: assessing the co-effects of awe and authenticity on industrial heritage tourism, Current Issues in Tourism, https://doi.org/10.1080/13683500.2021.1996543 (SSCI Q1)
(13) Huawen James Shen, Libo Yan, Ben Ye Haobin & Qi Yan (2021) We are Wu: assessing Chinese fans’ socio-cultural identification with the only Chinese footballer in a top European league, Leisure Studies, 40(4), 468-479, DOI: 10.1080/02614367.2020.1820554
(14) Fong, L., Nong, S. Z., Leung, D., & Ye, B. H.*. (2021). Choice of non-monetary incentives and coupon redemption intention: monetary saving and price consciousness as moderators. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 94(2), 102816. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijhm.2020.102816 (SSCI Q1)
(15) Ye, B. H., Ye, H., Li, P., & Fong, L.. (2021). The impact of hotel servicescape on customer mindfulness and brand experience: the moderating role of length of stay. Journal of Hospitality Marketing & Management(2), 1-19. https://doi.org/10.1080/19368623.2021.1870186 (SSCI Q1)
(16) Ben Haobin Ye, Lawrence Hoc Nang Fong & Jian Ming Luo. (2021) Parasocial interaction on tourism companies’ social media sites: antecedents and consequences, Current Issues in Tourism, 24:8, 1093-1108. https://doi.org/10.1080/13683500.2020.1764915 (SSCI Q1)
(17) Ye, B. H., Tung, V., Li, J. J., & Zhu, H.. (2020). Leader humility, team humility and employee creative performance: the moderating roles of task dependence and competitive climate. Tourism Management, 81, 104170. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tourman.2020.104170 (SSCI Q1)
(18) Lawrence Hoc Nang Fong, Rob Law, Ben Haobin Ye*. (2020). Outlook of tourism recovery amid an epidemic: importance of outbreak control by the government. Annals of Tourism Research. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.annals.2020.102951 (SSCI Q1)
(19) Qi Yan, Yunhong Hu, Ben Haobin Ye. (2020) Time to update China’s panda loan terms. Science. https://doi.org/10.1126/science.aba3948
(20) Luo, J. M., & Ye, B. H.*. (2020). Role of generativity on tourists' experience expectation, motivation and visit intention in museums. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management, 43, 120-126. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhtm.2020.03.002 (SSCI Q1)
(21) Dedeolu, B. B., Bilgihan, A., Ye, B. H., Wang, Y., & Okumus, F. (2020). The role of elaboration likelihood routes in relationships between user-generated content and willingness to pay more. Tourism Review. https://doi.org/10.1108/TR-01-2019-0013 (SSCI Q1)
(22) York Yan Qi, Ben Ye Haobin*, Feifei Fan & Si Wen. (2020) Why is contemporary China still courting concubines? Exploring the reasons for Chinese audiences’ fascination with concubines’ infighting in television dramas, Leisure Studies, 39(3), 444-453. https://doi.org/10.1080/02614367.2019.1661505
(23) Jun (Justin) Li, Mark A. Bonn, Ben Haobin Ye. (2019). Hotel employee's artificial intelligence and robotics awareness and its impact on turnover intention: the moderating roles of perceived organizational support and competitive psychological climate. Tourism Management, 73, 172-181. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tourman.2019.02.006 (SSCI Q1)
(24) Ye, B. H., Luo, J. M., & Vu, H. Q. (2018). Spatial and temporal analysis of accommodation preference based on online reviews. Journal of Destination Marketing & Management. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jdmm.2018.03.001. (SSCI Q1)
(25) Qi, Y. Y., & Ye, B. H.. (2018). Research note: why gold is so stronghold, revealing the mechanism of china’s golden week holiday system. Leisure Studies, (2), 1-7.
(26) Ye, B. H., Barreda, A. A., Okumus, F., & Nusair, K. (2019). Website interactivity and brand development of online travel agencies in China: The moderating role of age. Journal of Business Research, 99, 382–389. https://url.scnu.edu.cn/record/view/index.html?key=25e96e2d36f560cd6b96a1ecc04bd900 (SSCI Q1)
(27) Vu, H. Q., Luo, J. M., Ye, B. H., Li, G., & Law, R. (2018). Evaluating museum visitor experiences based on user-generated travel photos. Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, 35(4), 493–506. https://url.scnu.edu.cn/record/view/index.html?key=206af58c83ae29f8a1c848093992b905 (SSCI Q1)
(28) Davis Fong, Ben Haobin Ye* and Rob Law (2016) The Relationship of Impact Factors and Journal Rankings in Tourism. International Journal of Bibliometrics in Business and Management, accepted.
(29) Ye, B. H., Fu, H., & Law, R. (2016). Use of impact-range performance and asymmetry analyses to improve OTA website quality. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management, 26, 9-17.
(30) Fu, H., Ye, B. H.*, & Xiang, J. (2016). Reality TV, audience travel intentions, and destination image. Tourism Management, 55, 37-48. (SSCI Q1)
(31) Qiu, H., Ye, B. H.*, Bai, B., & Wang, W. H. (2015). Do the roles of switching barriers on customer loyalty vary for different types of hotels? International Journal of Hospitality Management, 46, 89-98. (SSCI Q1)
(32) Vu, H. Q., Li, G., Law, R., & Ye, B. H.* (2015). Exploring the travel behaviors of inbound tourists to Hong Kong using geotagged photos. Tourism Management, 46, 222-232. (SSCI Q1)
(33) Lianping Ren, Hanqin Qiu, Ben Haobin Ye (2015)Understanding Customer Satisfaction With Budget Hotels Through Online Comments: Evidence From Home Inns in China. Journal of Quality Assurance in Hospitality & Tourism, 16(1), 45-62.
(34) Hanqin Zhang Qiu, Ben Haobin Ye*, Kam Hung, York Yan Qi. (2015)Exploring Antecedents of Employee Turnover Intention— Evidence of China’s Hotel Industry. Journal of China Tourism Research, 11(1), 53-66.
(35) Hui Fu, Ben Haobin Ye*, Rob Law. (2014)You Do Well and I Do Well? The Behavioral Consequences of Corporate Social Responsibility. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 40, 62-70. (SSCI Q1)
(36) Ben Haobin Ye, HanqinQiu, James Shen, Carey Goh (2014) Does social identity affect residents’ attitude toward tourism development? An evidence from the relaxation of the Individual Visit Scheme. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 26(6), 907-929. (SSCI Q1)
(37) Yan, Y. Q., Zhang, H. Q., & Ben Haobin Ye (2014). Assessing the impacts of the high-speed train on tourism demand in china. Tourism Economics, 20(1), 157-169. (SSCI)
(38) Ben Haobin Ye*, Hanqin Zhang Qiu, Peter P. Yuen, (2013) Cultural conflicts or cultural cushion? Annals of tourism Research, 43(4), 321-349. (SSCI Q1)
(39) Ben Haobin Ye*, HanqinQiu, Jessica (Jingxue)Yuan, (2013) Intentions to Participate in Wine Tourism in an Emerging Market: Theorization and Implications. Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research, 41(8), 1007-1031. (SSCI Q1)
(40) Hanqin Zhang Qiu, Jessica (Jingxue)Yuan, Ben Haobin Ye*, Kam Hung, (2013) Wine Tourism Phenomena in China: An Emerging Market. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 25(7), 1115 - 1134. (SSCI Q1)
(41) Ben Haobin Ye*, Hanqin Zhang Qiu and Peter P. Yuen. (2012) An Empirical Study of Anticipated and Perceived Discrimination of Mainland Chinese Tourists in Hong Kong: The Role of Intercultural Competence. Journal of China Tourism Research, 8(4), 417-430.
(42) Ben Haobin Ye*, Hanqin Zhang Qiu and Peter P. Yuen.(2012) Perceived Discrimination in the Context of High and Low Interactions-Evidence from Medical and General Tourists. Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research, 17(6), 635-655. (SSCI)
(43) Ben Haobin Ye*, Hanqin Zhang Qiu, and Peter P. Yuen (2011) Motivations and experiences of Mainland Chinese medical tourists in Hong Kong. Tourism Management, 32(5), 1125-1127. (SSCI Q1)
(44) HanqinQiu Zhang; Qi Yan; Haobin Ye (2008) A Comparative Analysis of the Mechanism of Policy Change in China's Travel Agency and Hotel Sectors. Journal of China Tourism Research, 4(3&4), 229–247.
中文期刊论文及专著/Selected Refereed Journal Publications
(1) 《数智旅游幸福产业的建设体系及发展路径研究》,中山大学出版社。国家社会科学基金后期资助成果。
(2) 顾秋实,叶浩彬*,Vu Huy Quan,黄松山,宋海岩,龚丽丹,张雷(2022)新兴葡萄酒旅游目的地空间网络结构及其影响因素—基于社会网络分析方法(QAP).地理科学. 42(9) :1619-1626.
(3) 顾秋实,廖嘉玮,叶浩彬,黄震方(2024)偶像崇拜的老年粉丝旅游者动机与行为特征差异研究,旅游科学,已被录用。
(4) 李军,宋晨鹏,叶浩彬*. 智能服务情境下顾客对服务型机器人行为意向研究——基于技术接受模型. 旅游学刊, 2023, 38(6): 136‒150.
Ben Haobin Ye, Peter P. Yuen, Hanqin Zhang Qiu and Vivienne hui Zhang (2008) Motivation of medical tourists: an exploratory case study of Hong Kong medical tourists. Asia Pacific Tourism Association annual conference, Bangkok, Thailand.
Ben Haobin Ye, Hanqin Zhang Qiu and Peter P. Yuen (2012) Cultural Cushion Perspective Revisited: The Moderating Role of Perceived Cultural Distance on Interactional Fairness and Tourist Satisfaction. CAUTHE National Conference 2012, Melbourne, Australia.
2015 International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management: Special issue: Social Media Issue
Journal of Destination Marketing & Management (SSCI Q1)
(1) Tourism Management
(2) International Journal of Hospitality Management
(3) International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management
(4) Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Research
(5) Journal of Destination Marketing & Management
(6) Current Psychology
(7) Asia-Pacific Journal of Tourism Research
(1) 作为2018 ApacCHRIE亚太旅游酒店学术年会的筹办委员会成员之一,担任当中青年论坛的联席主席
(2) 2017年代表团队在世界旅游组织统计学术年会上作专题演讲
(1) 2014年中山大学教工年度考核校级优秀员工
(2) 2017年中山大学教工年度考核校级优秀员工
(3) 2017年中山大学第八届教学成果奖一等奖
(4) 2017年广东省教学成果奖一等奖
(5) 2018年国家教学成果二等奖
(6) 2020年MG4355线路检测中心校级优秀员工
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